ADAKC Annual Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser

Everlight Care had the privilege of attending ADAKC’s Annual Cinnamon Roll Drive. ADAKC is an adult care center that assists families on their Alzheimer’s journey and improves the quality of life for their participants.

We would like to thank Hodel’s and ADAKC for putting on this event and having us. Our caregivers enjoyed this opportunity to support their community!


Home Care Assistance Bakersfield CA - ADAKC Annual Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser

Home Care Assistance Bakersfield CA – ADAKC Annual Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser


Home Care Assistance Bakersfield CA - Everlight Care Attending ADAKC’s Annual Cinnamon Roll Drive

Home Care Assistance Bakersfield CA - Everlight Care Attending ADAKC’s Annual Cinnamon Roll Drive











If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance Services in Bakersfield CA, please contact the caring staff at Everlight Home Care today. Call us at 559-353-2847.


Gina Kendall
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