Everlight Care October Employee of the Month

Congratulations to our October Employee of the Month, Patricia Vasquez! Patricia is an amazing caregiver who has been with the company for over a year. Her hard work does not go unnoticed, and we appreciate her very much!

Great job, Patricia!


Here are some fun facts about her:

  1. Home Care Assistance Fresno CA - Care October Employee of the Month

    Home Care Assistance Fresno CA – Care October Employee of the Month

    Patricia’s first job was a car hop, where she took orders and served food.

  2. Patricia’s biggest accomplishment is raising her son.
  3. Patricia loves that as a caregiver she can help the elderly.
  4. Patricia likes working for Everlight because we place caregivers to work with clients who best fit each other, and we work with caregiver availability.
  5. Patricia’s favorite vacation spots are Pismo and Aspen.
  6. Patricia has 4 cats named Solo, Bella, Scooter, and Maggie May.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance Services in Fresno CA, please contact the caring staff at Everlight Home Care today. Call us at 559-353-2847.

Gina Kendall