What Seniors Need to Know about Aging Skin and Bruising

Aging skin develops all sorts of issues that can be frustrating and even painful, like bruising. Skin becomes thinner and less elastic with age, which also makes it more fragile. Finding solutions to bruising and other aging skin problems is something that personal care at home providers can help seniors to do.

Bruising Is Very Common for Seniors

Personal Care at Home Clovis CA - What Seniors Need to Know about Aging Skin and Bruising

Personal Care at Home Clovis CA – What Seniors Need to Know about Aging Skin and Bruising

There are so many different factors that contribute to easy bruising for seniors. First, the skin starts to become much thinner. Also, the fat layer directly under the skin thins. This makes the skin less resilient overall, contributing to fragility and bruises that arise from minor impacts. Blood vessels experience changes with age, too. They become more delicate, which means that they’re more likely to break and cause blood to collect under the skin, causing a bruise. Some of the medications that seniors take make them even more prone to bruising, which is another issue.

Preventing Bruises

With all of that working against them, seniors might feel as if there’s no way for them to prevent bruising. It might not be possible to prevent every single bruise, but seniors can wear long sleeves and pants that can help to protect their skin. Using handrails whenever possible can also help them avoid tripping and stumbling, which can lead to bruising. Eating a healthy diet helps the body to have what it needs to heal properly, including bruises. Also, if seniors are taking medications that make them more prone to bruising, their doctors may want to make adjustments. Remembering all of this can feel complicated, so having help from home care providers can make that easier.

Healing Bruises

Some bruising is just a part of life, unfortunately. When seniors do get a bruise, treating it as soon as possible gives the best possible results. For instance, applying a cold compress as soon as possible can help to reduce pain, swelling, and the spread of blood that forms a bruise. Elevating the bruised area can also help. Some topical creams made with vitamin K or arnica can help speed up the healing time for bruises. Keeping the area protected helps to avoid making the bruise worse, which also prolongs the healing process.

Personal Care at Home Can Help

Managing skin care can be difficult for seniors, but adding in bruising makes everything more complicated. Personal care at home can help seniors stay as safe as possible while bathing and engaging in other daily activities. They can also help with taking care of skin issues, including bruising, to help seniors avoid issues with dryness and damage. Caregivers can also offer a lot of assistance with mobility, which may reduce bruising significantly.

Understanding the difficulties aging skin is likely to experience is so important. Personal care at home makes this easier for family caregivers and seniors. They’re also there to make sure that aging adults have the help that they need with all sorts of personal care tasks.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home Services in Clovis CA, please contact the caring staff at Everlight Home Care today. Call us at 559-353-2847.

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Gina Kendall